Thursday, July 28, 2011

Shakespeare Modern Day Romeo and Juliet

I LOVE this movie. I watched it in higschool. I can relate so much better to this version of it, because it is reflects a better relation to the world today. The concept is the same, the boy and girl who fall in love, but who are forbidden to be together, who would rather die than be without one another. This portrayal of it was able to hold my attention, where as the old one with the older language lost me a lot of the times. It also, while being easier to understand, helped me gain a better perspective of what Romeo and Juliet was about in the first place. I love when film makers adapt older plays to modern day films. It is so much more interesting! The ending scene will be uploaded below (hopefully) so that you can better understand what I am talking about. It ends the same, however, the weapons and means of death that are used are more of what a couple in this situation may do in today's time (but hopefully no one still resorts to this)!

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